六十年代末林彪试验其号令全军能力的“一号命令”使一群—— 60年代末,一道“一号通令”,将军区机关连同通讯枢纽——24小时战备值勤不能间断的女兵电话连统统拉进了山。从山脚到山腰处“军事禁区”的岗哨有八里的山路,绵延不断的铁丝网把山上山下分成了两个世界,显然,山上的世界里除了灰色的石头和绿色
At the end of the 1960s, Lin Biao experimented with its “Order No. 1” command of the entire army, enabling a group of women soldiers who could not be interrupted by a 24-hour combat readiness service in the late 1960s, a “No. 1” order, a military organ together with a communications hub The phone even pulled into the mountain. From the foothills to the hillside “military restricted area” outpost eight miles of mountain roads, rolling wire mountain to the mountain into two worlds, it is clear that the world in addition to the gray stone and green