强化资源林政管理,巩固造林绿化成果,已成为新形势下林业经济建设的迫切需要。为了正确处理好资源保护与开发利用的关系,确保林业稳步发展。韩城市坚持造管同步,以管为主,在“管”、“护”、“治”上狠下功夫,做到了以管护求巩固,以治理促发展,取得了显著成效。 一、突出宣传教育,增强全民爱林护林意识
Strengthening resource forest management and consolidating afforestation achievements have become urgent needs for forestry economic construction in the new situation. In order to properly handle the relationship between resource conservation and development and utilization, we must ensure the steady development of forestry. Hancheng insisted on synchronizing its management and management, and made great efforts on management. It made great efforts on “management”, “protection” and “governance”, achieving remarkable results through strengthening management and protection, consolidating governance and promoting development with governance. First, give prominence to publicity and education and enhance the awareness of all people in protecting forests