
来源 :水利水电施工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:discountstore
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金安桥水电站是金沙江中游“一库八级”梯级开发规划的第五级电站,也是该河段开发启动的第一个项目,被列入云南省“十五计划”和“云电送粤”计划。电站位于云南省丽江市境内,左岸属永胜县,右岸属古城区,坝址附近有丽江市至四川攀枝花市的省级公路通过。金安桥大坝坝址距丽江市52km,距大理市232.5km,距昆明市589.5km,对外交通十分便利。 Jin’anqiao Hydropower Station is the fifth-level power station in the middle reaches of the Jinsha River and the “one-storey and eight-level” cascade development plan. It is also the first project started in the development of this reach and is included in the “10th Five-Year Plan” and “ Cloud electricity to send Guangdong ”plan. The station is located in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. The left bank belongs to Yongsheng County and the right bank belongs to the ancient city. The provincial highway near Lijiang City to Panzhihua City passes the dam site. Dam site of Jin’anqiao is 52km away from Lijiang, 232.5km away from Dali city and 589.5km away from Kunming city. It is very convenient for foreign traffic.
摘 要: 本文作者首先介绍了任务型教学法的提出、研究的意义及国内外研究的现状,然后进一步分析了任务型教学法的理论基础,并结合自考英语阅读的实际,谈谈“以学生为中心”的任务型教学法在教学中的具体应用。  关键词: 任务型教学法 自考英语阅读 应用    一、引言  1.任务型教学法的提出  随着世界经济一体化进程的加速,各国间的相互交往日益增多,外语能力已成为21世纪人才不可缺少的能力,因此外语教学