环境恶化已成为全人类最担忧的问题,环境问题已为越来越多的国家所重视。今年六月在巴西里约热内卢举行的联合国环境与发展首脑会议,反映了各国政府和人民为建成一个环境良好的世界而努力的共同愿望。李鹏总理也在会议上表示:保护环境和发展经济,关系到人类的前途和命运。解决世界环境与发展问题,必须开展广泛和有效的合作。 不少西方工业国在采取环境保护措施的同时,在国民收入会计的基础上加上了环境调整项目,这就是新兴的环境会计。
Environmental deterioration has become the most concern of all mankind, environmental issues have been valued by more and more countries. The UN summit on environment and development, held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in June this year, reflects the common aspiration of all governments and people to work for a well-being world. At the conference, Premier Li Peng also said: Protecting the environment and developing economy have a bearing on the future and destiny of mankind. To solve the problem of world environment and development, we must conduct extensive and effective cooperation. In the meantime, many industrialized countries in the West have taken environmental protection measures and added environmental adjustment projects to their national income accounting. This is the emerging environmental accounting.