近年来 ,“各国和国际上有组织犯罪活动不断加剧的趋势持续引起发达国家和发展中国家的政府和人民的严重关切和震惊”①。国际社会为了加强各国间在预防、遏制及打击黑社会性质的组织犯罪方面的合作 ,先后缔结了一系列国际公约 ,如 1 994年 1 1月通过的《那不勒斯宣言和打击有
In recent years, the “growing tendency of organized criminal activities both at the national and international levels has continued to cause grave concern and apprehension from the governments and peoples of both developed and developing countries”. In order to strengthen cooperation among nations in preventing, deterring and cracking down organized criminal activities of a syndicate type, the international community has concluded a series of international conventions such as the Naples Declaration and the Rules of the United Nations on January 1, 1994