今年 ,2000年 ,是世纪之交、千禧龙年。在新世纪,中华民族将雄立于世界民族之林。在新千年 ,人类历史将全面从“必然王国”迈向“自由王国”。在世纪之交、千禧龙年 ,中国造纸工业将绘制新的发展蓝图 ,从“造纸大国”向“造纸强国”迈进。在这千载难逢具有特殊意义的一年
This year, 2000, is the turn of the century and the year of the millennia. In the new century, the Chinese nation will stand proud among the nations of the world. In the new millennium, the history of mankind will move from the “imperative kingdom” to the “free kingdom.” At the turn of the century and in the year of the millennium, China’s paper industry will draw a new blueprint for development, moving from a “papermaking power” to a “papermaking powerhouse”. In this golden year of special significance