【摘 要】
Author and ex-journalist Su Gengsheng weaves a tale of unsettling horror amid the banal frustrations of everyday life as a struggling reporter covering the crim
【出 处】
The World of Chinese
Author and ex-journalist Su Gengsheng weaves a tale of unsettling horror amid the banal frustrations of everyday life as a struggling reporter covering the crime beat
Author and ex-journalist Su Gengsheng weaves a tale of unsettling horror amid the banal frustrations of everyday life as a struggling reporter covering the crime beat
Agaggle of men form a circle,sweat on their brows as they wave hundred yuan bills in the air in a darkly lit room in Beijing.Sure,gambling is illegal in China,b
Incinerators may be the answer to China’s trash problems but it will take some convincing不当的垃圾焚烧会对环境和居民健康产生严重影响,烧还是不烧,这是一个问题Wh
China is not in the grips of an all-out battle with alcoholism—well it is,but that’s another story for another time—rather the word“drunk”has become a newl
由于实体肿瘤组织的生理障碍和其所在脏器与人体内环境之间的生理屏障 ,全身系统化疗的治疗效果较差。将缓释型抗肿瘤药直接注射在实体肿瘤内 ,有可能克服这些障碍而达到选择
【基金项目】本课题为湖北省教育科学2015年度规划课题《高职助产专业实验实训教学的创新研究》阶段性成果之一,课题批准号:鄂教科[2015]6号(2015GB254)。 【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)10-0237-01 前言:传统的实验实训教学一般采取的方式是教师讲解、演示,然后学生练习,有时会在课程快结束时让学生反馈练习,这种方式,好的方面是
摘要:随着计算机技术的不断发展,传统教学方法已经不适应新时期计算机专业的教学需求。本文从高职计算机专业课程教学特点出发,结合高职计算机专业课程教学现状,对高职计算机专业课程改革进行探究。 关键词:高职;计算机专业;教学现状;课程;对策 计算机专业课程的开设是为了培养和发展高职学生的计算机技能,更是为了满足高职学生日后就业和发展的需求。从高职计算机专业课程教学内容分析,高职计算机专业课程并非普通