6月2日,大连市人民体育场,大连万达队主场迎战八一队。 比赛进行到26分钟左右,八一队掀起一阵反击高潮,八一队11号左路传中,正传到大连万达队荷兰外援依黑脚下,这位来自阿贾克斯二线阵容中的小将在前一轮甲A中已经出了些风头,浑身的那股冲劲真的有几分阿贾克斯足球的味道。依黑这次见八一队进攻队员站位细密已经没有把球吊出包围圈的可能,干脆把球推向守门员韩文海,可惜在这一刹那八一队21号——在依黑眼中只是一样的黄皮肤、黑头发、黑眼珠的中国人拍马赶到,一脚踢中,球应声入网,球场哗然大哄——这就是阿贾克斯的第二阵容主
June 2, Dalian People’s Stadium, Dalian Wanda vs. Bayi team. The race to 26 minutes, Bayi team set off a counterattack orgasm, Bayi team on the left pass on the 11th, is spread to Dalian Wanda Netherlands foreign aid according to the black foot, the Ajax from the second-tier line-up in the teenager The previous round of A has been out in the limelight, whole body that momentum is really somewhat Ajax football taste. According to the black see the Bayi team offense team station fine has no balls hanging out of the encirclement may simply push the ball to the goalkeeper Han Hai, but unfortunately in this flash August 1 team - in the dark eyes only the same Yellow skin, black hair, dark eyes of the Chinese came to the horse, kick, the ball nets, the stadium uproar coax - this is Ajax’s second lineup Lord