杭州市商业经济学会 杭州市贸易办公室在杭联合召开市场形势与对策研讨会

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不久前,杭州市商业经济学会、杭州市贸易办公室在杭州联合召开“市场形势与对策研讨会”。参加会议的有杭州市的商业、供销、粮食、工商管理、物价、计委、社联、银行以及商业专业公司等单位的代表30多人。会议着重分析了今年的市场形势,认为杭州市场总的趋势是稳中有旺,但面临的困难仍然不少。代表们认为,面对复杂的市场形势,需要进行深层次、多角度的分析研究。当前,市场上销售呆滞的只是一部分商品,部分商品销售正常。因此,各部门要采取不同的对策: Not long ago, Hangzhou Business Economics Association and Hangzhou Trade Office jointly held a Seminar on Market Situation and Countermeasures in Hangzhou. Participants in the conference included more than 30 representatives of the commercial, supply and marketing, food, business administration, price, planning committee, social security, banking, and commercial professional companies in Hangzhou. The meeting focused on analyzing the market situation this year and believed that the general trend of the Hangzhou market is stable and prosperous, but there are still many difficulties. Delegates believe that in the face of a complex market situation, in-depth and multi-angle analysis and research are needed. At present, only a part of the goods are sluggish in the market, and some goods are sold normally. Therefore, various departments need to take different measures:
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