Synchronization and temporal nonreciprocity of optical microresonators via spontaneous symmetry brea

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Synchronization is of importance in both fundamental and applied physics, but its demonstration at the micro/nanoscale is mainly limited to low-frequency oscillations such as mechanical resonators. We report the synchronization of two coupled optical microresonators, in which the high-frequency resonances in the optical domain are aligned with reduced noise. It is found that two types of synchronization regimes emerge with either the first- or second-order transition, both presenting a process of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the second-order regime, the synchronization happens with an invariant topological character number and a larger detuning than that of the first-order case. Furthermore, an unconventional hysteresis behavior is revealed for a time-dependent coupling strength, breaking the static limitation and the temporal reciprocity. The synchronization of optical microresonators offers great potential in reconfigurable simulations of many-body physics and scalable photonic devices on a chip.
Through finding the derivatives of the group delay and transmittance of the coupled double-ring resonators (CDRRs) with respect to different structure parameters, the dispersion and filtering characteristics of CDRRs varying with different coupling and at
斯坦福大学利用连续波相干反斯托克斯喇曼光谱术测得激光聚变实验所用玻璃微球靶内氘的气压。据该大学研究组负责人R. 拜尔说,这种技术是测定聚变靶内气压的第一种可靠而方便的方法。
目前,在各种退相干环境中由Horodecki 态构成的两个三能级原子系统的可提纯性纠缠得到了广泛的研究。研究了凸线性组合态的可提纯性演化规律。研究结果表明:初始处于自由纠缠的凸线性组合态在有限的时间内会转变成束缚纠缠态,原子系统的可提纯性出现猝死现象。
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