《直升机乘员水下逃生规范》编制组历时2年完成了国家军用标准的编写,并通过了专家评审,于2000年4月由总后勤部颁布(标准编号GJB 3924-2000)。现将该标准的编制要点作一介绍。 1 目的意义 直升机的飞行事故率比固定翼飞机高,其海滩事故尤为突出。美海军报道,1963~1983年间共有300架直升机坠入大海,因无法离机死亡380人。
The crew of the Code for Underwater Escape of Helicopter Crew completed the compilation of national military standards for two years and passed the expert review. It was promulgated by the General Logistics Department in April 2000 (Standard No. GJB 3924-2000). The preparation of the standard now make an introduction. 1 Purpose Helicopters have a higher rate of accidental accidents than fixed-wing aircraft and their beach accidents are particularly prominent. The U.S. Navy reported that a total of 300 helicopters crashed into the sea from 1963 to 1983, killing 380 people because they could not get off the plane.