咳嗽是儿科常见病、多发病,临床治疗方法众多,但对某些顽固性咳嗽的治疗效果不显,笔者在临床实践中,根据咳嗽发作时间及伴随症状而辨证治疗,取得良效,现总结如下:1 晨咳宜宣肺部分患儿每于晨起即咳嗽,痰少而咯吐不爽,常伴有鼻塞、喉痒,纳食、精神如常,病史1个月以上。曾...
Cough is a common pediatric disease, frequently-occurring disease, many clinical treatment methods, but for some refractory cough treatment effect is not significant, the author in clinical practice, according to cough attack time and symptoms and syndrome differentiation treatment, achieved good effect, are summarized As follows: 1 morning cough should Xuanfei some children every morning cough, phlegm and spit uncomfortable, often accompanied by stuffy nose, itchy throat, satisfied food, the spirit of normal, a history of more than 1 month. Once...