口腔综合治疗机以自来水为水源,常发生过滤器滤芯淤堵现象,使手机及三用喷枪等上水水压低.水量不足,影响操作,成为综合治疗机使用中常见故障之一,故每隔数月需清洗滤芯,而常用超声波清洗器清洗费时,且一般基层单位缺乏这一工具。 在实践中我们发现用10%稀盐酸在清除滤芯淤堵时效果显著.方便快捷。据观察堵塞滤芯小孔的原因是自来水管道中的微小铁锈颗粒(Fe_2O_3).将滤芯拆下置于10%稀
Dental comprehensive treatment machine to tap water as a source of water, filter clogging phenomenon often occurs, so that the phone and three spray gun water pressure low water shortage, affecting the operation, a comprehensive treatment machine to use one of the common faults, so every interval Need to clean the filter a few months, and commonly used ultrasonic cleaning time-consuming, and the general lack of grassroots units of this tool. In practice, we found that the use of 10% diluted hydrochloric acid clogging in the filter block when the effect is obvious. It is observed that the reason for blocking the pores of the filter cartridge is small rust particles in the water pipe (Fe 2 O 3). The filter is removed and placed in a 10% thin