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  As the research gap with the USA closes, China has the potential, money; and talentto be the world's factory for scientific advancement.
The politics of individualism in Chinese modern dance  現代舞在中国  The ninth annual Beijing Dance Festival, which took place this summer from July 14 to July 26, closed with choreographer Zhang Xuefeng’s
How to get through your next haircut  如何拒绝“办卡”,从发廊全身而退?  “Would you like to buy a membership card?”  “Y3o b3n zh`ng hu#yu1nk2 ma?”  “要办张会员卡吗?”  If you hear this infernal message more than three times
Language is delightfully, defi antly mutable. Like when your grandmother tells you about all the gay parties she used to attend as a teenager. You looked at her aghast, “Yes dear, we had tremendous fu
Zach Ireland’s journey to the TV screen   左右:我在中国当演员  American actor Zach Ireland, better known to Chinese audiences as Zuoyou (左右) has been performing in Chinese films, talk shows, and sitcoms in Chi
Chinese naming customs in the age of globalization  貽笑大方?办公室里乱飞的英语名字也是有存在的合理性的。  Almost the minute he arrived in Tokyo in September, 1897, Chinese revolutionary Sun Wen found himself in a bind. Having
Death’s End transforms physics into a nightmare hellscape of horror and loss. Also, there’s a love story.  面对宇宙的真相,一切都會逝去,只有死神永生  For a brief recap of the trilogy, Three-Body Problemasked, “Does human
How can a person disappear and seemingly become one dimensional? The subtle “Invisible Man” (隐形人 Y@nx!ngr9n) artworks of 40-year-old Liu Bolin (刘勃麟) reveal the secret. Liu quietly stands as a blank ca
China’s status as malware haven has a risky message for all  那些令人不勝其烦的垃圾信息究竟从何而来?  面对恶意软件,我们又该如何应对?  It’s usually a young woman, moving through the subway from person to person. Politely, she asks if
There is a legendary, though perhaps apocryphal, story regarding Xu Bing’s most famous and infl uential artwork “Book from the Sky” (天书 Ti`nsh$)—Xu’s bold creation of 4,000 “false”Chinese characters.
Authentic Chinese flavors find a home overseas  漂洋過海的中国美食  The media and anthropologists have known for some time that the prestige and price point of food from North America’s immigrant cultures is l