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新加坡能源集团以1.97亿美元的价格,向亚洲纸浆与纸品有限公司(APP)购买了其在中国的三家发电厂51%的股权。此举使得新能源集团在海外的业务得到进一步的拓展。上述收购行为是新能源集团两年内第二次收购亚洲纸浆与纸品有限公司拥有的电力设施,收购总值为3.8 Singapore Energy Group purchased a 51% stake in three of its power plants in China for $ 197 million from Asia Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd. (APP). This move enables New Energy Group’s overseas business to be further expanded. The aforesaid acquisition was the second acquisition of power facilities owned by Asia Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd. by New Energy Group within two years, with a total acquisition value of 3.8
Wnt5a is a representative Wnt ligand that regulates multiple cellular functions through the Wnt5a non-classical pathway. Although Wnt5a has been implicated in v