1937年“八·一三”淞沪抗日战争爆发。中国军队“八百壮士”与日本侵略军在市区阵地上最后一次鏖战。谢晋元团长率领“八百壮士”坚守苏州河四行仓库,女童子军杨惠敏代表各界, 泅渡过苏州河向坚守四行仓库的“八百壮士”献旗致敬。这充分体现了中华儿女的英雄气慨和民众的同仇敌忾,一致抗日的昂扬之气。可是曾几何时,“八百壮士”遭到怎样的结局?这是一段至今鲜为人知的历史。
1937 “8.13” Songhu Anti-Japanese War broke out. The Chinese army “Eight Hundred Heroes” and Japanese aggressors fought for the last time in the urban area. Xie Jinyuan commander led the “eight hundred warriors” to adhere to the Suzhou River, four rows of warehouses, Girl Scouts Yang Huimin on behalf of all walks of life, crossing the Suzhou Creek to adhere to the four rows of warehouse “Eight Hundred Heroes” to pay tribute to the flag. This fully reflects the heroic spirit of the sons and daughters of China and the common hatred of the common people and the high-spirited spirit of resistance against Japan. However, what time did the “Eight Hundred Heroes” suffer? This is a little-known history so far.