2013年11月23日,黄埔工程机械城携手斯堪尼亚在中国工程机械及商用车市场谱写了里程碑式的历史印记,斥资6 000万元人民币的斯堪尼亚广州4S店在黄埔工程机械城盛大开业。黄埔工程机械城位于广州市黄埔区开发大道将军山路段,市场总投资18亿元,规划总建筑面积66万m2。整个项目预计至2015年全部建成投入使用,完全建成后可容纳几十家大型4S店及数千家零配件商户。
On November 23, 2013, Whampoa Construction Machinery City and Scania jointly wrote a milestone landmark in China’s construction machinery and commercial vehicle market. The Scania Guangzhou 4S shop, which invested RMB 60 million, has signed a contract with Huangpu Construction Machinery Grand opening of the city. Huangpu Construction Machinery City is located in Huangpu District, Guangzhou Development Road, General Hill section, the market a total investment of 1.8 billion yuan, planning a total construction area of 660,000 m2. The entire project is expected to be completed and put into use by 2015, fully built to accommodate dozens of large 4S stores and thousands of parts business.