
来源 :热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangdod
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为了提高冷辗扩芯辊的寿命,采用水下爆炸方法对其进行自增强处理。首先,利用有限元软件对冷辗扩芯辊进行了弹塑性有限元分析,得出产生自增强的最佳极限载荷值。然后,采用水下非接触爆炸的方法对冷辗扩芯辊进行爆炸处理。利用有限元软件模拟整个爆炸过程,得出药包不同质量、不同爆距、不同安放位置下作用在冷辗扩芯辊上的爆炸冲击载荷,使其达到自增强所需的最佳塑性极限载荷。验证后结果表明,经过自增强处理后的芯辊疲劳寿命远远高于未经自增强处理的芯辊疲劳寿命。 In order to improve the life of cold rolling expanding core roller, it is self-reinforced by underwater explosion method. First, the finite element software was used to analyze the elastic-plastic finite element of the cold-rolling expanded mandrel and the optimum ultimate load value was obtained. Then, the method of underwater non-contact explosion was used to detonate the cold-rolling expanded core roll. Using finite element software to simulate the entire explosion process, the explosive impact load acting on the cold-rolling expanded mandrel with different mass, different burst distance and different placement positions is obtained, which achieves the optimal plastic ultimate load . After verification, the results show that after self-reinforced core roller fatigue life is much higher than the fatigue life of the core roller without self-reinforcement.
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The present study was carried out to track the path of Vellar estuary over a period of 38 years (1970-2008) and also to detect the impact of tsunami on estuarin
目的应用磁共振扩散加权成像(MRDWI)的表观扩散系数(ADC)和功能扩散图(DM),前瞻性研究并监测抗雄性激素治疗对前列腺癌骨转移病人的疗效。材料与方法本研 Objective To inve