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作为新当选的全国人大代表,张永明准备的提案内容是,化工行业在加快产学研结合助推科技创新的同时,应扩大行业准入范围,强化产品督查。张永明表示,应充分发挥产学研合作机制的优势,将基础研究与高技术产品研究并重,重点放在开发关键技术上,为市场提供源源不断的高技术产品。要让企业各具特色,生产出附加值高的产品,让企业有足够的资金开展高技术和高技术产品研发。张永 As a newly elected deputies to the NPC, Zhang Yongming’s proposal is that the chemical industry should speed up the integration of industry, education and research and boost innovation in science and technology. At the same time, it should expand industry access and strengthen product inspection. Zhang Yongming said that the advantages of industry-university-research cooperation mechanism should be brought into full play. Both basic research and high-tech product research should be given equal importance to the development of key technologies to provide the market with a steady supply of high-tech products. Let enterprises have their own characteristics, to produce high value-added products, so that enterprises have sufficient funds to carry out high-tech and high-tech product development. Zhang Yong
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目前尚无理想的肿瘤标记物检查体液或组织中的卵巢癌细胞。为寻找一种新的基因分析方法,通过腹水标本诊断卵巢癌。 收集Georg-August大学27例平均年龄68岁,临床疑为卵巢癌者
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