
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wiltonx
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责任伦理,是一种以“尽己之责”作为基本道德准则的伦理,是我们一切言行的出发点,也是我们一切言行的归宿。体育明星是国家花费巨额财力、物力、人力培养的人才,他们的伦理责任行为具有广泛的社会影响,彰显体育明星责任伦理建设的重要。通过对体育明星责任伦理实现困境的探讨,提出体育明星责任伦理实现的途径:一是体育明星人格素质的提升;二是良好社会、文化环境的生成;三是责任监督机制的健全。从而构筑一个行事以公益、正义为中心,内省以责任,外达于服务,和谐为基础的体育明星责任伦理。 The ethics of responsibility, which is an ethic based on “one’s own responsibility” as the basic moral principle, is the starting point of all our words and deeds and the end of all our words and deeds. Sports stars are talents that the state spends a great deal of financial, material and human resources training. Their ethical responsibility behaviors have extensive social influence and highlight the importance of sports stars’ ethical responsibility. Through the exploration of the dilemma of the sports ethics responsibility ethics, this article puts forward the ways of realizing the sports ethics responsibility ethics: one is the improvement of personality of sports stars; the other is the generation of good social and cultural environment; the other is the soundness of responsibility supervision mechanism. In order to build a social ethics, justice as the center, introspection to responsibility, outside the service, harmony and sports stars based on the ethics of responsibility.
摘要:研究生教育是培养高层次创新型人才的重要环节。通过对当前体育学研究生在招生选拔、课程体系、培养模式、导师队伍和淘汰机制等方面的分析,提出提高体育学研究生教育质量,加速创新型人才的培养必须转变观念,扩大研究生培养单位的自主权、确保高素质的生源、倡导创新教育、加强导师队伍建设、建立多元化的研究生质量保障体系。  关键词:创新型人才;体育学研究生;教育质量  中图分类号:G812.5文献标识码:A文