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【目的】对华北夏谷区近15年谷子区域试验数据进行分析,探讨谷子育种变化趋势,为谷子品种改良提供参考。【方法】利用2001—2015年华北夏谷区参试品种的主要农艺性状数据,研究其变化规律;以通过鉴定的51个育成品种为材料进行分析,并与15年间华北地区谷子生长季6—9月份气候因素进行相关分析,梳理通过鉴定的51个品种的类型。【结果】2001—2015年华北夏谷区区域试验参试品种各农艺性状在年度间变异较大,随着年份的推移,产量、生育期、株高、穗长、单穗重和穗粒重持续增加,千粒重基本不变,公顷穗数略有下降。51个通过鉴定品种的整体变化趋势与所有参试品种的变化趋势基本一致。51个通过鉴定品种间产量、生育期、株高、穗长、千粒重和公顷穗数差异极显著,单穗重、穗粒重和出谷率差异不显著。华北夏谷区谷子生育期气候趋向于暖湿的变化趋势。通过鉴定的品种产量和生育期、单穗重、穗粒重呈极显著正相关,与最低温、降水量呈极显著负相关。最低温、最高温、降水量、生育期、穗粒重、出谷率决定谷子产量85.17%的变异。对产量贡献较大且为负效应的是最低温,为正效应的是最高温。近几年谷子育种水平有所提高,品种类型较丰富多样,抗除草剂品种和优质米类型逐渐增多,反映了轻简栽培和优质是目前的主要育种方向。但是以冀谷19、豫谷1、冀谷25等3个主干品种为亲本来源的品种数为26个,占杂交选育品种的57.8%,育成品种亲本范围相对较窄的问题越来越严重。【结论】2001—2015年华北夏谷区区域试验育成品种产量有所提高,品种类型较丰富多样,育种水平取得一定的进步。然而,造成产量显著差异的原因主要取决于气候因素,而且品种培育的亲本选择狭窄可能是育种突破的关键瓶颈。在今后的育种过程中,要从亲本创制和选择着手,丰富亲本类型;提高品种穗粒重和出谷率,以适应气候变化,提高夏谷产量。 【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to analyze the regional data of millet field in Xiajiu area in recent 15 years and discuss the trend of millet breeding so as to provide reference for the improvement of millet varieties. 【Method】 Based on the data of main agronomic characters of the tested varieties in Xiagu Valley in North China from 2001 to 2015, the variation regularity was studied. Based on the identified 51 bred varieties for the analysis, In September, climate factors were analyzed and the types of 51 cultivars identified were identified. 【Result】 The results showed that the agronomic characters of the regional trial varieties in Xiagu Valley of North China varied greatly during the year from 2001 to 2015. With the passage of years, the yield, growth period, plant height, ear length, single ear weight and grain weight Continued to increase, basically the same thousand grain weight, spikes per hectare declined slightly. The overall trend of the 51 varieties that passed the appraisal was basically the same as that of all the varieties tested. The differences of yield, growth period, plant height, spike length, 1000-grain weight and spike number per hectare among the 51 cultivars were significant. There was no significant difference in single spike weight, grain weight and grain yield per spike. The trend of warming and wetting of millet in the summer cereal area of ​​North China. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the yield and the growth period, the spike weight per panicle and the grain weight per spike. There was a significant negative correlation between the grain yield and the minimum temperature and precipitation. The lowest temperature, the highest temperature, the precipitation, the growth period, the grain weight per spike and the valley-out rate decided the 85.17% variation of the millet yield. The contribution to the production of large and negative effect is the lowest temperature, positive effect is the highest temperature. In recent years, the level of millet breeding has been improved, the types of varieties are rich and varied, herbicide resistant varieties and high-quality rice types are gradually increasing, reflecting that the light-weight cultivation and high quality are the main breeding directions. However, the number of cultivars derived from three main stem cultivars including Ji Gu 19, Yugu 1 and Ji Gu 25 was 26, accounting for 57.8% of that of hybrid breeding. The problem of relatively narrow range of parental cultivars was more and more serious. 【Conclusion】 The yield of regional trial breeding varieties in Xiagu Valley of North China from 2001 to 2015 has been increased, the variety types are rich and diverse, and the breeding level has made some progress. However, the reasons for the significant differences in yields are mainly due to climatic factors, and the narrow selection of breed parents may be a key bottleneck in breeding breakthroughs. In the future breeding process, it is necessary to start from the parent creation and selection to enrich the parent type; increase the grain weight and grain yield of varieties to adapt to climate change and improve summer grain yield.