
来源 :城乡建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdmkhx
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4月27日,国务院召开常务会议, 研究提出了加强房地产市场引导和调控的八项措施。5月11日,国务院办公厅公布了建设部等七部委《关于做好稳定住房价格工作的意见》(国发办[2005]26 号),要求切实稳定房价,促进房地产业健康发展。5月26日,建设部下发《关于贯彻<国务院办公厅转发建设部等部门关于做好稳定住房价格工作意见的通知>的通知》,对各地做好调控房地产市场、稳定住房价格工作,提出时间表。5月27日,国家税务总局、财政部、建设部联合下发《关于加强房地产税收管理的通知》,要求2005年6月1日后,个人购买不足2年的住房对外销售的,按销售价格全额征收营业税。近段时间,国家采取一系列举措, 调整结构,稳定房价,规范市场。日前, 记者就房地产市场情况及如何稳定房价等问题采访了建设部副部长刘志峰。 On April 27, the State Council held a standing meeting to study and put forward eight measures for strengthening the guidance and control of the real estate market. On May 11, the General Office of the State Council released the Opinions of the Ministry of Construction and other seven ministries and commissions on doing a good job of stabilizing housing prices (Guo Fa [2005] No. 26), calling for a real stabilization of housing prices and a healthy development of the real estate industry. On May 26, the Ministry of Construction issued the Circular on Carrying out the Circular of the General Office of the State Council Forwarding the Opinions of the Ministry of Construction and Other Departments on Doing a Good Job in Stabilizing the Housing Price, which notifies the localities about the regulation and control of the real estate market and the stabilization of housing prices table. On May 27, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued the “Circular on Strengthening the Administration of Real Estate Tax Revenue,” requiring that after June 1, 2005, individuals who have purchased less than 2 years of housing for external sales shall have the full sales price Sales tax levied Recently, the state adopted a series of measures to adjust the structure, stabilize housing prices and standardize the market. Recently, the reporter interviewed Liu Zhifeng, Vice Minister of Construction, on the real estate market and how to stabilize house prices.