In the design of the finger-overlap envelope according to the envelope of wavelet func-tion, it is concluded that the pulse-response function of the interdigital transducer (IDT) for surface acoustic wave (SAW) is identical to the wavelet function. SAW type of the wavelet-transform ele-ment is manufactured. A new method of using two wavelet-transform elements to manufacture the reconstruction element of the wavelet transform is proposed. The sources of the element error are analyzed, and the methods for reducing the error are put forward. SAW type of the wavelet trans-formation element and its reconstruction element have the following three characteristics: (i) the implementing methods of the wavelet transform element and its reconstruction element are simple, and free of complicated mathematical algorithms of the wavelet transform; (ii) because one of SAW element is fast, the response velocities of SAW type of the wavelet transform element and its reconstruction element are also fast; (iii) the costs of the wavelet transform element and its recon-struction element are low, so the elements may be manufactured in a large quantity.
In the design of the finger-overlap envelope according to the envelope of wavelet func-tion, it is concluded that the pulse-response function of the interdigital transducer (IDT) for surface acoustic wave (SAW) is identical to the wavelet function. SAW type of the wavelet-transform ele ment is manufactured. A new method of using two wavelet-transform elements to manufacture the reconstruction element of the wavelet transform is proposed. The sources of the element error are analyzed, and the methods for reducing the error are put forward. SAW type of the wavelet trans-formation element and its reconstruction element have the following three characteristics: (i) the implementing methods of the wavelet transform element and its reconstruction element are simple, and free of complicated mathematical algorithms of the wavelet (ii) because one of SAW element is fast, the response velocities of SAW type of the wavelet transform element and its reconstruction element are also fast ; (iii) the costs of the wavelet transform element and its reconstruction element are low, so the elements may be manufactured in a large quantity.