Diabetes is an endocrine and metabolic disorder caused by the absolute or relative lack of insulin and increased glucagon activity. The typical performance of the drink, eat more, polyuria and weight loss, under the Chinese medicine “Diabetes” category. Syndrome differentiation of heat deficiency Sheng, Qi and Yin Deficiency Syndrome, Yin and Yang Deficiency Syndrome, blood stasis Qi stagnation, should be treated separately Ziyin heat Runzao Jin, Yin Qi and Yin, yin and yang yang kidney, blood circulation Qi and Yin nourishing Yin. To take the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, focusing on traditional Chinese medicine from the overall regulation of the body partial Sheng bad condition, improve microcirculation in patients with diabetes, coupled with low-dose hypoglycemic agents to control blood glucose levels, can improve blood glucose, blood lipids and blood flow Abnormal changes, to obtain more satisfactory clinical results. In summary, the use of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of diabetes, the patient’s symptoms improved significantly, not only improve the quality of life, but also reduce the amount of western medicine and side effects for the long-term treatment of this disease provides a new way.