
来源 :北方语言论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HJ565dgdgd
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一、檀营满族文化位于首都北京东北方向一个多小时车程的密云县,是北京水源密云水库的所在地,也是从北京到东北三省汉语北京官话区同语线的首站之地。就是在这个首站官话区里,保存了一个满族文化与满族语言的精小语言岛,这便是檀营满蒙民族乡(主要是满族)。 I. Tanying Manchu Culture Miyun County, located in the northeast of the capital Beijing more than an hour's drive, is the site of Beijing's Miyun Reservoir. It is also the first stop of the Tongyu line between Chinese and Mandarin in Beijing. It is in this first Mandarin area that a small language island of Manchu culture and Manchu language has been preserved. This is Tanjong Manchurian (mainly Manchu).