1984年2月13日至16日在美国露易西阿娜州的海港城市新奥尔良由美国机械工程学会ASME等11个单位赞助举办了第七届能源技术与展览年会ETCE(The 7th Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition),其中包括十一个讨论会。离岸力学与极区工程讨论会OMAE(Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering)是其中规模最大的一个。该讨论会分五个专题40个分组进行交流,共有论文195篇。具体情况如下:
New Orleans, Harbor City, the State of Louisiana, USA, February 13-16, 1984 The 11th Annual Energy Technology and Exhibition ETCE (The 7th Annual Energy) was sponsored by 11 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) -Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition), including eleven seminars. Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium OMAE (Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering) is one of the largest. The symposium was divided into five special groups of 40 sub-groups for communication, a total of 195 papers. Details are as follows: