喜杰西卡·艾尔芭怀孕在妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)、哈里·贝瑞(Halle Berry)这种大龄女星怀孕生子的新闻中·杰西卡·艾尔芭(Jessica Alba)这种事业上升期美女怀孕,的确有些让人出乎意料。随艾尔芭宣布与交往甚久的男友卡什·华伦(Cash Warren)订婚,更宣布他是孩子他爹。而在事
Jessica Alba is pregnant Jessica Alba (Jessica Alba) is pregnant with news of the pregnant actress Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry, ) This career upsurge of beautiful pregnant, indeed some surprising. With Elba announced a long time boyfriend boyfriend Warren (Cash Warren) engagement, but also announced that he is the child his father. In the matter