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化验室在使用国产JP-1型.JP-1A型.SJP-1型示波极谱仪中最常出现的故障,就是电源部分的B_4变压器短路、击穿、烧坏等现象.主要原因是由于B_4两组高压绕组,遇到阴雨天气和潮湿季节,变压器受潮绝缘性能下降而引起。我们使用的SJP-1型示波极谱仪曾多次出现这一毛病。为了解决这一问题,将B_4用双 Laboratory in the use of domestic JP-1 type. JP-1A. SJP-1 oscilloscope polarography most common failure is the power part of the B_4 transformer short circuit, breakdown, burn out and so on. The main reason is As B_4 two groups of high-voltage windings, encounter rainy weather and wet season, the transformer damp insulation caused by the decline. The SJP-1 Oscillopolaronometer we have used has seen this problem many times. In order to solve this problem, B_4 with double
中国书画艺术以独特的形式语言在世界文化史上具有不可替代的地位,本文主要研究把书画艺术作为档案资料引进档案管理的必要性和应该注意的事项和原则。 Chinese painting an