血吸虫对吡喹酮抗药性的研究 Ⅲ 曼氏血吸虫吡喹酮敏感株与抗性株尾蚴对吡喹酮的反应性

来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goonesownway
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目的 比较曼氏血吸虫吡喹酮敏感株与抗性株尾蚴阶段对吡喹酮的反应性 ,旨在运用敏感株与抗性株反应性间的差异 ,建立现场监测吡喹酮抗性的方法。方法 将各虫株尾蚴分别暴露于10 - 4、10 - 5、6× 10 - 7、4× 10 - 7m ol/ L吡喹酮溶液中 ,0、2 0、4 0、6 0、80、10 0 min后 ,解剖镜下观察尾蚴的泳动、收缩和断尾率的变化。结果 尾蚴暴露于 10 - 4m ol/ L吡喹酮中即刻停止泳动、沉底并伴有强直性收缩 ;5 min后开始出现体与尾部不协调的快速蠕动 ,尾蚴体区的后端与尾部的前端发生分离即断尾 ,敏感株断尾尾蚴明显多于抗性株 ;暴露于 10 - 5mol/ L吡喹酮中 4 0、6 0、80 m in和 10 0 min后 ,敏感株尾蚴的断尾率分别为 2 8.2 %、5 2 .7%、6 7.5 %和 78.0 % ;抗性株分别为 11.3%、2 8.6 %、39.3%和 4 5 .5 %。暴露于 4× 10 - 7m ol/ L中 80 min和 10 0 min后 ,敏感株尾蚴的断尾率为 10 .3%和 17.0 % ;抗性株为 0 .5 %和 1.1%。结论 曼氏血吸虫吡喹酮抗性株和敏感株尾蚴阶段对吡喹酮反应性存在非常显著的差异。提示 ,将尾蚴移入 4× 10 - 7mol/ L吡喹酮溶液中 80 - 10 0 min,镜下观察其断尾率 ,作为曼氏血吸虫对吡喹酮敏感性的检测方法 ,可用于螺体内吡喹酮抗性虫株的现场监测。 Objective To compare the reactivity of praziquantel with praziquantel in the susceptible strain of Schistosoma mansoni and the resistant cercariae, and to establish a method for on-site monitoring of praziquantel resistance by using the difference in reactivity between the sensitive and resistant strains. Methods The cercariae of each strain were exposed to praziquantel solution of 10 - 4, 10 - 5, 6 × 10 - 7 and 4 × 10 - 7 mol / L, respectively. After 10 min, the changes of cercariae migration, contraction and tail-end rate were observed under the dissection microscope. Results The cercariae stopped swimming immediately after exposure to 10 - 4mol / L praziquantel, sinking to the bottom and accompanied by ankylosing contraction. After 5 minutes, the rapid peristalsis of the uncoordinated body and tail appeared. The posterior and caudal parts of the cercariae area The cercariae of the sensitive strains were significantly more than those of the resistant strains when exposed to 10 - 5mol / L praziquantel. The cercariae of the sensitive strain were exposed to 40, 60, 80 and 10 min of exposure to 10 - 5 mol / L praziquantel. Tail rates were 8.22%, 5.27%, 6.57% and 78.0%, respectively. The resistant strains were 11.3%, 22.6%, 39.3% and 45.5%, respectively. After being exposed to 4 × 10-7 mol / L for 80 min and 10 min, the cut-off rates of sensitive strains of cercariae were 10.3% and 17.0%, respectively. The resistant strains were 0.5% and 1.1%, respectively. Conclusions There is a very significant difference in the reactivity of praziquantel between the praziquantel-resistant strains of Schistosoma mansoni and the cercariae of susceptible strains. The results showed that the cercariae was transferred into 4 × 10-7mol / L praziquantel solution for 80-10 min, and its tailing rate was observed microscopically. As a method for detecting the sensitivity of Schistosoma mansoni to praziquantel, Field monitoring of quinolone resistant strains.