每年年底都是男人或者女人为爱情、友情或者亲情“交租”的时候,无须拍烂脑袋,在全球创意市集里,带着风情的创意礼物便在那里向你招手。每年年底是男人或者女人为爱情、友情或者亲情“交租”的时候,在长筒袜里放上什么礼物才能让自己关心的人露出满意的微笑?如果用整刀整刀的钞票在商场内购买那些一成不变的圣诞礼盒新年礼物,或许有点太过单调枯燥。两千零一十二个念头之后,会不会发现年年不同岁岁都要有新噱头的她(他),让你脑细胞濒临死亡的高峰?无须拍烂脑袋,和着保罗·西蒙的《Scarborough Fair》的优美旋律,带着放松的心情踏上旅程,往往走到哪,带着风情的创意礼物便在那里向你招手。
End of each year is a man or woman for love, friendship or family “pay rent ”, do not shoot bad head, in the global creative market, with a creative gift there will wave to you. At the end of each year is a man or woman for love, friendship or family “pay rent ” when placed in the stockings what gifts to make people care about their smile? If the whole knife with a knife in the banknote at Shopping mall to buy those immutable Christmas gift New Year gifts, perhaps a little too boring. After two thousand and twelve thoughts, will she find that she will have a new gimmick at every age so that your brain cells will be on the verge of death? There is no need to shoot bad heads and Paul Simon’s The beautiful melody of “Scarborough Fair” embarks on a journey in a relaxing mood, wherever you go, a creative gift with a feeling of love waits for you there.