Male patient, 70 years old, diplopia, eyelid ptosis 6 months, the symptoms of morning and evening heavy, rest can be improved. Physical examination: normal examination. Left eye adduction slightly worse, double eyelid ptosis, fatigue test was positive, limb muscle strength V class, the presence of physiological reflex, pathological reflex (-). Electromyography severe electrical stimulation of low frequency amplitude decreased. Diagnosis: Myasthenia gravis. Patient service mistakenly Sunburn Strychnos powder 1.0g a blunt, 30 minutes after facial muscle stiffness, chest tightness, pharyngeal hair tight, and then the onset of tetanic convulsions for a few seconds, awareness, no pupil scattered, Urinary incontinence, mild irritation can induce cramps. Blood pressure 140 / 70mmHg, heart rate 100 beats / min. Given stable 5mg intravenous injection of symptoms. Discussion: Strychnos seeds contain mainly strychnine (strychnine) and brucine, oral absorption soon after. Strychnine first selective excitement of the spinal cord, nerve conduction in the spinal cord to speed up the transmission, thereby enhancing the skeletal muscle tension; Second, the excitement of the medullary respiratory center, vascular motor center and the cerebral cortex. The mechanism of action is: (1) resistance