
来源 :化工矿山技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wintry5
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合理选定矿区测量主控制网的布设精度,是矿山测量工作者最为关心的问题。由于矿山自基建、生产至闭坑的整个周期时间较长,工程较多,对主控制网的精度要求很不一致,对控制等级就不尽相同。怎样选择经济合理的控制网,使其精度既满足基建时期的要求,又能为生产时所利用,就很有意义。本文试图通过对宜昌樟村坪磷矿主控制网的技术设计与布网工作的实践,对此作些论述。 (一)基本想法 矿山工程项目多,各单项的精度要求也很不一致,这就使建立统一精度的控制网存在一定困难。加之,目前中小型矿山测绘力量较弱,往往将许多工程测量任务委托其他勘察单位承当。这些单位在甲方没有特别要求时,通常只考虑满足自身精度要求。这就会造成测量工作量重复、测量控制网精度等级 It is the most concern for mine surveyors to reasonably choose the layout accuracy of the main survey control network in the mining area. As the mine from infrastructure, production to closure of the entire cycle time is longer, more engineering, the main control network accuracy is very inconsistent, the control level is not the same. How to choose a reasonable control network, to make it not only the accuracy of infrastructure requirements, but also for the production of use, it makes sense. This article attempts to discuss the technical design and layout of the main control network of Zhangcunping Phosphate Mine in Yichang. (A) the basic idea of ​​mine projects and more, the accuracy of the individual requirements are also very inconsistent, which makes it difficult to establish a unified control network accuracy. In addition, at present, the surveying and mapping power of small and medium-sized mines is weak, and many engineering surveying tasks are often entrusted to other survey units. When these units do not have special requirements of Party A, they usually only consider meeting the requirements of their own precision. This will result in duplication of measurement workload, measurement control network accuracy level
党的十一届三中全会以来,老河口市一个本来亏损严重的小化肥企业——光化磷肥厂在改革环境中得到迅速发展,企业由小到大,产品由少到多、由劣到优,目前已发展成为一个 Since
目的:  探讨早产儿院内真菌感染的临床表现特征及其早期简易诊断指标-PLT、WBC及CRP对真菌感染的诊断效力,以指导抗真菌治疗。  方法:  选取2009年9月至2013年2月我院新生
于 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年对玉米杂交种黔单 10号进行了不同密度、不同施氮量双因子栽培试验及不同密度大区对比高产栽培试验。结果表明 ,黔单 10号是一个耐密植、具有高产潜力的
介绍了对铁路检测中的干扰信号的解决方法。 The solution to the interference signal in railway inspection is introduced.
The supercontinuum (SC) generation at the repetition rate of 10 GHz is presented. The SC is generated in a 4.2 km conventional dispersion-shifted fiber ( DSF),