小儿发声障碍的常见原因是声带小结与喉乳头状瘤,其他的良性肿瘤罕见。作者报告一例小儿喉颗粒细胞瘤(granular cell tumor),描述了电镜所见。患儿女,5岁,因进行性声嘶、发音低沉6个月而就医。颈侧位摄片见声门下腔轻度狭窄,直接喉镜下见声带在前连合部被一圆形、光滑、不能压缩的、为正常粘膜覆盖的声门下肿块所顶
The common cause of dysphonia in children is vocal cord nodule and laryngeal papilloma. Other benign tumors are rare. The authors report a case of pediatric laryngeal granular cell tumors described by electron microscopy. The child, 5 years old, was admitted for medical treatment because she had undergone sexual hoarseness and his voice was low for 6 months. The lateral view of the cervical radiography revealed a slight stenosis in the subglottic cavity. Under the direct laryngoscope, the vocal cords were covered by a round, smooth, incompressible, subglottic mass covered by normal mucosa in the anterior commissure.