应中国科学院感光化学研究所(以下简称感光所)有关部门及国家某工程总部感光所有关设备的技术验收鉴定专家小组的邀请,我所有关同志参加了国家某工程卫星精密遥感感光胶片生产关键设备之一──涂布挤压嘴自动精密定位系统的技术鉴定验收。 经过与会专家们一天的精细实测,测
At the invitation of the technical acceptance expert team from the relevant departments of the Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as “the Institute of Photographic Chemistry”) and the project headquarters of the State, all our relevant comrades participated in the key equipment for the production of satellite precision remote sensing photographic film One ─ ─ coating extrusion nozzle automatic precision positioning system of technical appraisal acceptance. After a day of met experts measured, measured