【摘 要】
The 8th Meeting of the Committee on Chemical Accreditation of Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from March 19 to 23, 2012. The meeting reviewed the submission of Triclosan by the European Union and Japan
Sacral dimples are the most common cutaneous anomaly detected during neonatal spinal examination. Congenital dermal sinus tract, a rare type of spinal dysraphis
从意大利进境芫荽中截获白翅希托种子小蜂(Systole albipennis Walker)。该小蜂幼虫取食伞形花科植物种子。本文对其分类地位、寄主、分布、形态特征、生物学及除害处理方法
从水利部近日举行的西部大开发10周年新闻通气会上获悉,2000年至今年9月底,国家累计安排西部地区中央水利投资1 270亿元。据水利部副部长矫勇介绍,西部地区年均水资源
It wa
Danshensu [3-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) lactic acid, DSS], one of the significant cardioprotective components, is extracted from the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza. In
Benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) is an age-related disease of unknown etiology, characterized by prostatic enlargement coincident with distinct alterations in
Objective: To investigate the potential effect of pure total flavonoids from Citrus paradisi Macfad peel(PTFC) on the proliferation and apoptosis of human myelo
AIM To investigate the effects of Hwangryunhaedok-tang(HHT) on gastrointestinal(GI) motility in mice.METHODS The effects of a boiling water extract of HHT(HHTE)