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碧水青山人缱绻粤东古城遍美景潮州牌坊街系潮州八景之一。盛建于明、清两代。2006年,潮州市启动牌坊街修复工程,采取“原址、原貌”和“原形制、原结构、原材料、原工艺”的原则,至2009年10月1日竣工对外开放,共修复明代牌坊18座,清代牌坊4座,后又增修“三阳门”“十相留声”坊二座,使其成为了国内最大规模的古牌坊街暨世界上独一无二的标志性景点。 Clear water Castle Peak People 缱 绻 East Guangdong Province, the beauty of the city of Chaozhou arch Square Street, one of eight Chaozhou. Sheng built in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 2006, Chaozhou City started the rehabilitation project of the arch street and adopted the principle of “original site, original appearance” and “original form, original structure, raw materials and original technology” until completion on October 1, 2009 and was repaired. The Ming Dynasty arch 18, the Qing Dynasty arch 4, and later increased “Sanyang door ” “ten phase left sound ” Square two, making it the largest ancient Pagoda Street and the world’s unique Iconic attractions.