光学学报1989年第9卷第12期 目录
【出 处】
Augmenting photoluminescence of monolayer MoS2 using high order modes in a metal dimer-on-film nanoc
Plasmonic particle-on-film nanocavities, supporting gap modes with ultra-small volume, provide a great solution to boost light–matter interactions at the nanoscale. In this work, we report on the photoluminescence (PL) enhancement of monolayer
The polarization state is modulated by tilting birefringence component placed in the feedback external cavity. The variation of the polarization state in one period of modulation is found to be similar to sine wave. The periods become increasingly smaller
对于由激光跟踪仪Leica AT901-MR、激光扫描仪Leica T-Scan5(以下简称"T-Scan")和工业机器人KUKA KR90R3100 extra组成的测量系统,合理规划激光跟踪仪站位来测量变化频繁的T-Scan位姿成为关键问题之一。针对该问题,首先构建融合了激光跟踪仪和T-Scan测量特性的组合测量约束模型,并提出判断站位可行性的站位评价方法;然后,为了提高测量效率与减小站位数量
Effects of dispersion, absorption and interface fluctuation on the reflection spectra of porous sili
One problem associated with microcavity devices is the significant difference between the reflection spectra of fabricated porous silicon microcavity (PSM) devices and those obtained by theoretical calculation of ideal microcavity devices. To address this
Interlayer-decoupled BiOX (X=Cl, Br, and I) sheets for photocatalytic water splitting: a computation
In this work, we comprehensively study the electronic and photocatalytic properties of single-layer and multilayer bismuth oxyhalides BiOX (X=Cl, Br, and I) sheets by means of extensive density functional theory, which have been successfully synthesized i
实验测定了激光二极管抽运的Nd:YVO4、 Nd:YAG和Nd:YAP环形单频激光器的强度噪声谱, 并与激光器的量子理论模型计算结果作了对比。 研究表明, 激光二极管抽运的单频激光器输出的激光并非相干态光场, 在几百kHz的频率上存在高于量子噪声几十dB的弛豫振荡, 而在远高于弛豫振荡的频率范围达到量子噪声基准, 且随抽运功率的增大, 弛豫振荡的频率将向高频方向移动, 而弛豫振荡的幅度减小。