【摘 要】
The interactions between highly charged ions and materials (atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and bio-molecules,etc.) have great importance not only for fun
【出 处】
IMP & HIRFL Annual Report
The interactions between highly charged ions and materials (atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and bio-molecules,etc.) have great importance not only for fundamental interests but also for applied researches. A project for construction of a 320 kV ECR platform was initiated. The construction, installations of the beam-line, platform, and the permanent ECR source were completed. Fig. 1 shows a photo of
The interactions between highly charged ions and materials (atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and bio-molecules, etc.) Have great importance not only for fundamental interests but also for applied researches. A project for construction of a 320 kV ECR platform was initiated. The construction, installations of the beam-line, platform, and the permanent ECR source were completed. Fig. 1 shows a photo of
The extrapolating critical program is an important sub-program of the CEFR’s physical startup software. After the physics startup software is finished, each of
本刊讯 4月19日,北京金隅股份有限公司在香港召开新闻发布会,公布了2009年年度全年业绩报告.报告显示,金隅股份收入约人民币(下同)117.0亿元,较2008年上升36.8%.毛利比2008年
With the construction of the neutron wall for the external target experiment at CSR, it will be possible to detect high energy neutrons. A BUU model (Li Baoan,