前言冰岛火山灰阴云造成的重创使得整个欧洲航空业都受到重大影响,甚至波及全球。据国际航空运输协会(The International Air Transport Association,简称IATA)估计,本次火山危机造成全球数十万架次航班的取消和航空公司数十亿美元的损失,甚至会导致一些航空公司一蹶不振。 1 复杂多变的风险火山灰云的影响也体现出风险复杂多变的特点,因为在全球贸易不断扩大和发货准时制(Just In Time,简称JIT)的要求下,应对复杂多变的风险成为了风险管理的重要内容。在风险计划和风险试验方案的制定过程中,最高管理者们应当尽可能地预测各类潜在危机。
Preface The volcanic ash cloud in Iceland caused a heavy impact on the entire European aviation industry have been greatly affected, and even spread to the world. According to estimates by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the volcanic crisis caused the cancellation of hundreds of thousands of flights around the world and the billions of dollars lost by airlines, which could even cause some airlines to slump. 1 The Complex and Changing Risk The impact of volcanic ash clouds also reflects the complex and volatile nature of the risk given that as the global trade and the Just In Time (JIT) The important content of risk management. In the development of risk plans and risk testing programs, top managers should try to predict as many types of potential crises as possible.