本研究通过8周生长试验研究了饲喂果寡糖对奥尼罗非鱼Oreochromis aurea♂×O.nilotica♀肠道菌群、存活率及生产性能的影响。试验设计3组果寡糖水平(0、0.8及1.2 g/kg),按每天4次饱食投喂初始重为5.55 g的奥尼罗非鱼,试验系统为淡水养殖系统,试验期间平均水温为28℃,罗非鱼养殖密度40尾/箱,每组3个重复。饲喂试验结束后,试验动物整体称重并测定形态学参数。从每个养殖单元随机取出3尾试验鱼,无菌条件下取肠道通过选择性培养基分别分析副溶血性弧菌Vibrio parahaemolyticus、嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila、乳酸杆菌Lactobacillussp.及粪链球菌Streptococcus faecalis的数量。结果表明:随着饲喂果寡糖水平增加,奥尼罗非鱼末重(FBW,g)和特定生长率(SGR,%/d)均显著增加(P<0.10);日摄食率(FI,g/(d.只)也增加(P>0.10);饲料转化率和肝胰腺指数均降低(P>0.10);而存活率(SR,%)、屠宰率(DCY,%)及丰满度(CF,g/cm3)则不受影响。所检测的全部罗非鱼肠道菌群数量随着饲喂果寡糖水平的上升呈增加状态(P>0.10)。本研究说明,饲料中添加果寡糖对奥尼罗非鱼生产性能、饲料转化效率及肠道菌群有一定改善作用,本研究推荐奥尼罗非鱼饲料中适宜果寡糖水平为1.2 g/kg。[动物营养学报,2007,19(6):691-697]
In this study, we studied the effects of feeding FOS on the intestinal flora, survival rate and production performance of Oreochromis aurea × O. nilotica 奥 by 8-week growth experiment. The experimental design of three groups of fructooligosaccharides (0, 0.8 and 1.2 g / kg) was fed four times a day on an initial weight of 5.55 g of Oreochromis niloticus, the test system was a freshwater aquaculture system. The mean water temperature For 28 ℃, tilapia farming density 40 / box, each 3 replicates. At the end of the feeding trial, the test animals were weighed overall and morphological parameters were determined. Three test fish were randomly taken from each culture unit, and the gut was selected under sterile conditions by selective culture medium for Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophila, Lactobacillussp. And fecal chain The number of Streptococcus faecalis. The results showed that the FBG and specific growth rate (SGR,% / d) were significantly increased (P <0.10) with the increase of FOS levels; (P> 0.10), feed conversion rate and hepatopancreas index (P> 0.10), while survival rate (SR%), slaughter rate (DCY%) and fullness (CF, g / cm3) were not affected.The number of intestinal flora detected in all tilapias increased with the increase of the level of fructo-oligosaccharides (P> 0.10) .In this study, Fructo-oligosaccharides can improve the performance, feed conversion efficiency and intestinal flora of O. niloticus, and the recommended level of suitable fructooligosaccharides in feed of O. niloticus is 1.2 g / kg. [J] , 2007, 19 (6): 691-697]