Impact of indoor–outdoor temperature differences on dispersion of gaseous pollutant and particles in

来源 :建筑模拟(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwald
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Computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed to investigate flow and pol utant dispersion in a 2D street canyon of aspect ratio H/W = 1. Different from other works, the combination of the presence of viaduct and indoor–outdoor temperature differences ΔT is investigated for different approaching wind velocities. For larger wind velocity (2 m/s, Froude number Fr~3.06–12.24) the typical clockwise vortex leads to higher concentrations of both gas and smal particles at the leeward side of the street and in the leeward-side rooms; the vortex is enhanced under large ΔT (20 K) improving the dispersion of pollutants. For smaller velocity (0.5 m/s, Fr~0.19–0.77) the appearance of an anti-clockwise vortex leads to a strong accumulation of gas and particles at the windward side and in the windward-side rooms under low ΔT (5 K); increasing the ΔT raises the dispersion of pollutants with consequent lower concentrations in the rooms (up to an average of 67% with respect to the isothermal case for gaseous pollutants), but accumulation close to the ground level at both windward-side and leeward-side rooms. In the presence of viaduct, together with the main vortex above the viaduct which causes concentrations increasing from low-level to high-level leeward-side rooms, two vortices are generated below it. Still ΔT = 20 K improves the dispersion of pollutants, leading up to a maximum of about 30% lower gaseous concentrations in the rooms. In general, lower concentrations of gas and particles are found for larger velocity, indicating that the mechanical turbulence dominates over the buoyancy effects, which become crucial for smaller velocity. This study confirms previous findings that viaducts may improve pollutant dispersion under large velocity if only one viaduct-level pollutant source exists and indoor–outdoor ΔT conditions can mitigate street air pollution.
[摘要]本文基于建筑立面的表现特征,结合创作思想及公众对建筑的认知特点及社会文化对它们的影响,反映了主导文化在建筑立面上的体现和现存的一些问题,并作出解答。  [关键词]建筑立面;立面创作;环境认知;商业文化    1 序言    关于“建筑”,普通民众对它是不会陌生的。而且可以说解答“什么是建筑?”是一件简单的事情,可对于专业人士、对于学者、专家而言,则似乎是一个很难作解的疑问。尽管“建筑就是空
摘 要:当前我国城市化布局在不断的扩大发展,使得土建工程也呈现出多样化的发展趋势,并在发展当中不断壮大,同时为了确保工程的质量和工期能够按照预定的标准完成,就需要对其工程进行科学合理的工程造价。此外在工程造价当中预结算要起到不可代替的作用,良好的预算可以为项目的有效实施提供良好的保障,同时也可以为企业提供更好地利益分配,保证了企业的经济利益。因此本文对其中的预算审核进行简要分析,并提出有效控制其工