
来源 :华东理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuwaning
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随着社会的发展,人口导入型社区已经成为社区发展的主要趋势,旧城改造、郊区扩展、商品房市场、农村移民流入等已经成为经常性的现象。因此如何适应新的人口特点,重建社区组织、进而搞好社区重建?这成了社区建设的头等大事,然而学界对此研究得还很少。本文首先对人口导入型社区进行分类,然后以上海市某商品房小区为个案,探索其中一类社区的组织重建问题。研究结果表明,人口导入既是社区发展面临的问题,也是社区发展的一个契机,尤其是对社区自治发展而言。所以,目前轰轰烈烈的社区建设运动必须抓住人口导入这一契机,把组织重建作为突破口和主要内容,这样才能搞好社区建设。 With the development of society, the population-oriented community has become the main trend of community development. The transformation of the old city, the expansion of the suburbs, the market of commercial housing and the inflow of rural migrants have become a regular phenomenon. Therefore, how to adapt to the new demographic characteristics, rebuild community organizations, and then do a good job in community reconstruction? This has become the top priority for community construction. However, academia has scarcely studied this issue. This paper first classifies the population-based communities and then explores the organizational reconstruction of one of the community-based communities in Shanghai as a case study. The results show that the introduction of population is not only an issue for community development, but also an opportunity for community development, especially for the development of community autonomy. Therefore, at present, the vigorous community-building campaign must seize the opportunity of population introduction and take organizational reconstruction as a breakthrough point and main content so that community building can be carried out well.
【正】 1974年6月,简阳县城东2公里许的简阳氮肥厂楼扩建工程,推土机在推平地基时,发现石槨墓一座。我馆闻讯后即派干部赶到现场进行调查。该墓由于推土机的碾压,已搞得面目