成武县大田集镇东许庄村村民许之云,在生产实践中勇于推陈出新,肯动脑爱钻研,研制出多项科技新产品,有的还荣获了国家发明专利。 许之云今年55岁,小学文化,是个周围十里八村出了名的“科技迷”,生产中遇到难题,总爱琢磨一
Xu Zhiyun, a villager from Dong Xuzhuang Village, Datian Town, Chengwu County, has the courage to innovate in production practice. He is willing to study his brain and develop a number of new scientific and technological products. Some of them also won national invention patents. Xu Zhiyun 55-year-old primary school culture, is a famous Shili Village eight out of the “science and technology fans,” encountered difficulties in production, the total love pondering a