The first otolaryngology good hearing, the second ear surgery, different views. Schuknecht (1971) considered both ears to be good and operated surgically, while Ludman and Grant (1973) concluded that the double-ear tarsalotomy lacked a long-term basis of efficacy, whereas Smyth et al. (1975) found that postoperative vestibular injuries can be disabling. This article reports 50 cases of binaural ear sclerosis were successively at about 2 years interval due to patient’s request for a second ear otomy. Among them, 37 were males and 13 females were females aged from 20 to 40 years. Twenty patients with symmetrical oval window lesions were treated with Teflon piston (0.8mm). 30 cases were followed up for more than a year, 5 cases up to five years. All 100 ears were successful in the postoperative speech frequency (0.5 ~ 2KHz) within 15dB, and 81 ears, 15dB or more were unsuccessful, accounting for 19 ears, of which 5 ears were sensorineural deafness. Is the second