Severe toxin is a vasospastic disease characterized by increased systemic arterial pressure and decreased circulating blood volume. The etiology of the current major gravidity is unclear, but it has been known in recent years that the disease can lead to hemodynamic changes and cardiovascular disorders. However, there are still different arguments about whether these changes are physiological compensatory functions or serious pathologies that must be corrected - the so-called state of chronic shock. First, the normal pregnancy hemodynamic changes in non-pregnancy under normal circumstances, there are many physiological factors control blood pressure, the most important factor is the cardiac output and the total body resistance of the systemic arterioles diameter, depending on them To maintain an effective circulation and perfusion pressure of various organs, shown in Figure 1. From a hemodynamic point of view, normal pregnancy is characterized by a very large vascular network with high flow rates and low resistance. In late pregnancy, uterine artery diameter increased