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双语教学已走进中医药高等院校,在教学过程中存在着缺少教材的困扰,给教与学都带来困难。实行双语教学至今,标准的针灸学双语教材还没有问世。既达不到规范的双语教学,也影响学生学习情况。没有教材教师无的放失,学生无章可循。由此可见,双语教材的出台无不是针灸人期待与渴望。要进入纯英语的专业教与学、没有任何母语的帮助都是比较困难的,教与学双方在针灸学双语教学过程中存在不能用英文表达的内容,而用母语来代替。代替的同时,英语在专业部分出现空缺现象。为了学生能听懂,用词说不清的,用一句话,一段话替代,不能吝惜语言;利用多媒体及其他课程资源创建医学情景的教学方法。为世界培养妙手回春的人才,将古老的中医针灸发扬光大。 Bilingual teaching has entered the TCM colleges and universities. There is a shortage of teaching materials in the teaching process, which brings difficulties to both teaching and learning. Bilingual teaching so far, the standard bilingual teaching acupuncture has not yet come out. Not only fail to meet the standard bilingual teaching, but also affect student learning. There is no teaching material teachers to lose, the students have no rules to follow. This shows that the introduction of bilingual textbooks are all acupuncture expectations and longing. To enter the pure English professional teaching and learning without the help of any mother tongue is more difficult, both teaching and learning in the process of bilingual teaching acupuncture can not be expressed in English, but instead of using their own language. At the same time, English is vacant in the professional sector. For students to understand, the words can not tell, with a sentence, a paragraph of alternative, can not begrudge language; the use of multimedia and other curriculum resources to create medical scenarios teaching methods. For the world to cultivate the talent, the ancient Chinese medicine acupuncture flourished.
为了解益生菌对生物絮团养殖系统中刺参Apostichopus japonicus幼参生长、消化酶和免疫反应的影响,选择体质量为(10.77±0.07)g的健康幼参,随机分配到6个盛有20 L沙滤海水
武警部队是国家反恐的基本力量 ,面对恐怖活动科技含量越来越高的形势 ,必须强化科技反恐意识 ,加强反恐装备研究 ,尽快改变装备落后的被动局面 ,用新的装备提高部队的反恐斗