Bilingual teaching has entered the TCM colleges and universities. There is a shortage of teaching materials in the teaching process, which brings difficulties to both teaching and learning. Bilingual teaching so far, the standard bilingual teaching acupuncture has not yet come out. Not only fail to meet the standard bilingual teaching, but also affect student learning. There is no teaching material teachers to lose, the students have no rules to follow. This shows that the introduction of bilingual textbooks are all acupuncture expectations and longing. To enter the pure English professional teaching and learning without the help of any mother tongue is more difficult, both teaching and learning in the process of bilingual teaching acupuncture can not be expressed in English, but instead of using their own language. At the same time, English is vacant in the professional sector. For students to understand, the words can not tell, with a sentence, a paragraph of alternative, can not begrudge language; the use of multimedia and other curriculum resources to create medical scenarios teaching methods. For the world to cultivate the talent, the ancient Chinese medicine acupuncture flourished.