33-year-old patient, pregnancy 1 production 1, because of “abdominal pain in February and found pelvic mass 6d ” on June 22, 2011 Daye Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2 months before admission, patients had abdominal pain, was intermittent, can be tolerated. No menstrual disorders, no bloating, no urinary frequency, no urgency and other symptoms, has not been treated. 6d before gynecological examination found a pelvic pelvis with a solid mass, and with ascites. Check the tumor marker CA125: 1824.4μ / ml, CEA, AFP, CA199 related tumor markers no abnormalities. Maternal seizure: genital married has been produced, vaginal patency, smooth cervix, no pain, uterine size is normal, quality, activity is good, the right front of the uterus has a female boxer size mass, hard, good activity, tenderness ), The right attachment without exception. June 25, 2011 Surgical treatment, surgical name: cytoreductive surgery. Anesthesia anesthesia. Surgery, see the normal size of the uterus, the right ovary has a female boxer size mass, was polycystic, irregular shape, the right tubal has a 3cm × 4cm large nodules, left antecedent and anomalies, uterosacral ligament and retroperitoneal 6 A large peanut lesions, abdominal ascites was yellow, the amount of about 200ml. Remove the right attachment quickly send