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  Efforts to bring the NBA back to Seattle took a giant step forward in a revised arena deal announced Tuesday, with investor Chris Hansen agreeing to kick in more money for transportation improvements near a proposed new arena.The plan for the $490 million arena, which also could host an NHL team, represents the best shot at bringing the NBA back to Seattle.
  Chris Hansen has a ticket to shop.
  His list is short: Find an NBA franchise willing to sell and bring professional basketball back to Seattle.
  Hansen, the investor trying to build a new arena, said Thursday that the league has been closely watching what’s taking place in the Pacific Northwest and a renegotiated memorandum of understanding between Hansen and the city council on the proposed arena goes a long way to easing the league’s concerns about Hansen’s plan.
  "It means a lot to the NBA," Hansen said. "They’ve been watching very close to what we’re doing. I think going in they were very skeptical we would get to this point given our history in Seattle.
  "It’s a great win for the city with the league."
  Hansen spoke at a bar in Seattle’s Pioneer Square shortly before an event where he invited fans to come celebrate the agreement announced earlier this week and have their first beer on him.
  While the green-and-gold celebration was just getting under way, a short distance away a council committee was voting to advance the renegotiated agreement to the full city council for a vote that is expected to happen Sept. 24. The agreement must receive full approval from the city council and the King County council.
  Even some members of the city council showed up at the bar following the committee vote, along with a huge throng of Sonics fans hoping to see the franchise return sooner than later. Hansen cautioned it might not be a quick process and what might be the most difficult task -- team acquisition -- is just beginning.
  "I think it’s conceivable, that would be optimistic and that is not an expectation I would not want to set," he said. "I worry that people are expecting us to get this deal done and it be like magic and a team would be here this year. It’s like, ’Poof and we’ve got a deal done and where is our team?’ This is a far more difficult process. I think anybody who is intimately familiar with the NBA knows this is a tough next face we have to go through."
  The ①Mariners released a statement later Thursday saying they are encouraged by the city council’s requirement of an environmental impact study and reiterated their belief there are better sites for the arena. Hansen has spent more than $50 million purchasing land for the arena.
  "We look forward to participating in the②EIS process, sharing our experience, and helping the city and Mr. Hansen reach the best possible decision. This review will only enhance the arena’s chances for success; that is everyone’s goal," the Mariners said.
  The revised deal first leaked late Monday night and was announced by a trio of city council members on Tuesday night. Hansen said his phone erupted when the news leaked and he stayed up until 1 a.m. listening to a Seattle sports radio station take phone calls from excited fans.
  Hansen said the demands of the council pushed him and his investors past the point that they were probably prepared to go financially, but they decided it was in the best interest of the community to drop a few more dollars into the agreement.
  "In the interest of making this happen and taking a step back and see the big picture it was just really important for us to get this done," Hansen said.
  The renegotiated deal was met with praise by fans and city officials, but still skepticism from opponents. On Wednesday, opponents to the arena sent a letter to the city stating their concerns about the re-worked agreement. Among those signing the letter was a representative of the Seattle Mariners’ front office, one of the first public statements by the Mariners opposing the deal.
  The proposed site of the arena is adjacent to the parking garage across the street from the Mariners’ home park, Safeco Field.
  Hansen said there have been repeated efforts to reach out to the Mariners along with Seattle’s other pro franchises.
  "About the only comment I would make is the ③Seahawks and ④Sounders have engaged with us and are interested in what we are doing, expressed their concerns and are willing to work with us," Hansen said. "We have made a lot of outreach to the Mariners and they are not interested in having a dialogue. You can’t reach a point with people if they’re not interested in having the discussion about what it would take to make it happen and make it acceptable for them."
  The revised deal called for Hansen’s group to increase its reserves on the $490 million project that will include $290 million in private investment. Hansen’s group will also commit $7 million toward KeyArena and spend $40 million on improving traffic and freight mobility in the area around the stadiums and the nearby Port of Seattle.
  "We said we would do our share on the transportation side. We would contribute money, we always said we would try and make it better than it was before," Hansen said. "So I think $40 million, plus what we have to put in for SEPA, we’re hopeful other professional sports organizations will benefit from improved pedestrian access and transit connectivity will have a similar point of view as us and help out."
上肢力量是内线球员生存的最基本需要,同时也是他们统治禁区最重要的武器,威尔特·张伯伦,沙克·奥尔尼,德怀特·霍华德,他们无一不是以此统治着联盟。本期我们随浙江广厦外援皮特·拉莫斯一起来到了五方运动中心,在这他将亲身向我们示范他是如何训练上肢力量的。    随着CBA新赛季的临近,享受完假期的球员们陆续回到了球场,五方运动中心篮球馆,皮特·拉莫斯此时正站在球场右侧45度的三秒区外,在他面前的三分线外
辣酱再临,队友“报复”  作为当今街头篮球的代表人物,曾屡次被SLAM重点关注和报道的Hot Sauce(辣酱)无疑堪称一代街球传奇。他的再次来华自然引起了街头篮球迷们的又一番热议。8月16日,刚刚抵达中国的Hot Sauce在做了短暂的调整之后,马不停蹄地与美国S.K.Y.街球队的队友们来到了郑州著名的五一篮球公园,参加2012沃特晃过天空S.K.Y.全明星赛前的球迷见面会活动。得知“街球皇帝”
Laika动画公司推出的3D动画电影《通灵男孩诺曼》正式上映。Nike特地为此发布了一款电影别注版的Air Foamposite One。这是一部喜剧惊悚片,主角是一个本地男孩(柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲配音),他能够与死人对话,当他所在的城镇因旧世纪的诅咒被僵疯尸、幽灵、女巫等包围的时候,他用自己的方式去解决危机。  Nike和Laika动画公司究竟有什么关系呢?为什么Nike会为这部动画电影推出限定版
SLAM:去年7月,《扣篮SLAM》最后一次把你推到封面,我们叫你“The Last Hero”,你是一代人的英雄,希望你认同这样的定义。  艾弗森:是的,非常酷,非常感谢你们送给我的杂志。  你认为自己重返NBA的几率有多大?  我相信自己有很好的机会,但我的经纪人会关注这个事情。如果不是100%确定回到NBA,我的经纪人不会打扰我,所以我非常希望以后再回答你这个问题。  如果无法如愿以偿,你认
拉塞尔·韦斯布鲁克正持球进攻,我马上进行了对位防守,这时,肯德里克·帕金斯摇晃着庞大的身躯提到顶弧位置单挡掩护,他站在那儿简直就是一堵人墙,而试图穿越挡拆的马里奥·查莫斯一阵趔趄,轻松就被搞定。现在,韦斯布鲁克面前一片坦途,这位运动数值堪称变态的后卫一路杀进内线,站在一旁的克里斯·波什赶紧协防,就在韦斯布鲁克急停准备后仰跳投的瞬间,波什高高跃起进行封盖。  “犯规加罚!?!”我冲着电视大声咆哮。波
耐克的历史发展始终贯穿着一个可适用于未来任何时候的真理:创新打造性能,科技创造精准。对耐克而言,创新并不仅仅是创造出不同的产品,而是要将产品做得更好。1982年,篮球运动到达历史上的巅峰时刻,同时篮球对运动鞋的要求也达到了一个全新的高度,篮球所需要的创新、视觉效果与尊重碰撞之后而产生了这双在鞋子的中底里嵌入“气垫”的AIR FORCE 1 Hi。虽然在当年这双纯白色的 AIR FORCE 1是一双
9月21日,2012青岛啤酒“炫舞激情”啦啦队选拔赛结束了冠军争夺战,圆满落幕。纵观2012的“炫舞激情”历程,自始至终都充满了青春的气息。努力、敢想、蜕变、拼搏和坚持成为比赛基调。  龚秋子掩盖“星妹”光环脚踏实地为梦想拼搏,王一帆为圆梦两个月狂减20斤,魏然的起起落落,再到“小台湾”、“易女郎”的努力坚持,所有这些故事,传递出青春的不羁,散发出青春的正能量。对于成功荣膺“热火女郎”的三名选手,
SLAM:跟我们说说你的家乡吧  TT:我出生在多伦多,读六年级时搬家去了布拉姆顿。其实在搬家之前我就没怎么接触过篮球。在多伦多我一直都踢足球——我们那帮小伙计们随时都能组成一支足球队,因为大家基本上从小都踢球。在搬到布拉姆顿后,我们周边社区的第一运动变成了篮球。我当时住在公寓房,所以和大部分美国小孩不一样,我从小就没见过那种装在自家后院或停车道的移动篮筐。因此我接触篮球篮球的时间相对晚一点,差不
大家都知道,篮球是一项技巧性很强的运动,十名球员同场,只有一人持球,所以如何通过各种各样有意识、有规律的无球移动来获得空位接到传球就显得尤为重要,这样不仅可以使战术延续,也可以使进攻人充分发挥出自身的进攻能力。  大家都看到了中国男篮伦敦的五连败,输给前面几个对手或许还有借口,但最后一场对东道主英国队的大败,让球迷伤透了心,也让很多专家大跌眼镜。大家可能也注意到了,中国男篮战术的延续非常困难,每个
连续两年季后赛首轮倒在对手面前,纽约尼克斯草草结束了本赛季的征程。然而今年还是有些不同,至少他们在热火身上捞到了一场比赛的胜利,而最大的不同,则是林书豪。因为他的存在,有关尼克斯的新闻依然在如火如荼的季后赛中占得一席之地。  随着尼克斯当家球星卡梅洛·安东尼的复出和林书豪本人的受伤,那场席卷全美乃至全世界的“林氏风暴”逐渐减弱,但有关林书豪的新闻并没有因此销声匿迹。  据ESPN透露,美国篮协正在