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“(我们)这一茬人,五十年代受理想主义教育,是‘荡起双桨’的一代;六七十年代经历了‘你死我活’。承受着与理想主义相距十万八千里的现实;到了八十年代的好时光,已是不惑之年;到了九十年代,不管你是否认帐,电影的商业属性已经大摇大摆地,巨人般立在你面前。真正的女性思维不属于主流思维,常常不具备商业性。于是,无形的压力会阵阵袭来……”①还原一个真实的黄蜀芹和她的家庭谈何容易,截取她的只言片语很难描述一个艺术世家丰富的人生历程。笔者仅仅希望能通过这位立足女性主义“写作”的女电影人生活的些许碎片,窥见她不凡的创作生命。 “This man of ours, who received the education of idealism in the 1950s, was the generation who had” scooped up. “The sixties and seventies experienced the” death of you and me. “Under the reality of being totally different from idealism ; To the eighties of the good times, is the age of perplexity; to the nineties, whether you deny account, the commercial properties of the movie has been swaggering, the giants stand in front of you.Real feminine thinking is not a mainstream thinking, Often do not have the commercial.Therefore, the invisible pressure will strike ... ... ”... ... to restore a real Huang Shuqin and her family easier said than intercepted her words is difficult to describe the rich life of an art family. The author only hopes to see her extraordinary creative life through a few fragments of the life of a female filmmaker based on feminist “writing.”
作 品 在 线    我和书  吴鲁芹  我常常希望自己是爱书成癖的人,或者,等而下之,是爱钱成癖的人。能两者都是当然更好——那就雅俗共赏了。  我们似乎对爱书的人一向另眼看待。《晋书·皇甫谧传》说:“谧耽玩典籍,忘寝与食,时人谓之书淫。”如果他不幸耽玩的是别种东西,不是书,那就是罪恶了。而且通常淫字与别的字连在一起,总是坏事居多;唯独和典籍攀上关系,就可以入传,垂诸永久,几乎可以同近世的名誉学位