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新冠病毒肺炎疫情期间,口罩成为不可或缺的防控利器和战略物资.如何科学、安全、有效地重复使用口罩,让每一只口罩发挥最大效能,数倍甚至十倍以上地提高防护口罩的有效使用时间,是疫情防控所急需解决的关键科技问题.我们提出了“口罩荷电再生重复使用”的技术方法,并开展了再生口罩性能评价.首先将使用后的口罩浸泡在56℃以上热水中30 min进行消毒处理,随后采用普通家用电吹风机等对“失效”的口罩进行吹干荷电处理,使口罩可重新荷电而再生静电效应.对市售的三类典型口罩(一次性医用口罩、医用外科口罩、KN95级防护口罩)进行“热水泡灭毒+荷电再生”处理,实验证明其过滤层微观结构和口罩抗渗水性均无明显变化,再生口罩对非油性颗粒物的过滤效率满足相关口罩指标要求.相关研究结果为新冠病毒肺炎疫情期间的口罩荷电再生重复使用提供了参考.进一步研究了真人佩戴过程对不同初始性能的口罩的性能演变.浙江闰土股份有限公司在2月20日至3月30日期间应用“口罩荷电再生重复使用技术”,将原先每个员工每日发放一个一次性医用口罩,改为每个员工每三日发放一个一次性医用口罩,节约口罩12.25万只,降低了公司的口罩使用量,也确保了防疫工作的正常开展.本文基于真实佩戴口罩的研究,建立了基于荧光纳米颗粒渗透探伤的口罩检测新方法,为可重复使用口罩材料设计、结构优化和性能综合评价提供参考.“,”Masks have become one of the most indispensable pieces of personal protective equipment and are important strategic products during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Due to the huge mask demand–supply gap all over the world, the development of user-friendly technologies and methods is urgently needed to effectively extend the service time of masks. In this article, we report a very simple approach for the decontamination of masks for multiple reuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Used masks were soaked in hot water at a temperature greater than 56℃ for 30 min, based on a recommended method to kill COVID-19 virus by the National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. The masks were then dried using an ordinary household hair dryer to recharge the masks with electrostatic charge to recover their filtration function (the so-calledhot water decontamination+charge regenera-tion"method). Three kinds of typical masks (disposable medical masks, surgical masks, and KN95-grade masks) were treated and tested. The filtration efficiencies of the regenerated masks were almost main-tained and met the requirements of the respective standards. These findings should have important implications for the reuse of polypropylene masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. The performance evo-lution of masks during human wear was further studied, and a company (Zhejiang Runtu Co., Ltd.) applied this method to enable their workers to extend the use of masks. Mask use at the company was reduced from one mask per day per person to one mask every three days per person, and 122500 masks were saved during the period from 20 February to 30 March 2020. Furthermore, a new method for detec-tion of faulty masks based on the penetrant inspection of fluorescent nanoparticles was established, which may provide scientific guidance and technical methods for the future development of reusable masks, structural optimization, and the formulation of comprehensive performance evaluation standards. ? 2020 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and
  扭曲片管(SERT,Swirling Element Radiant Tube)强化传热技术是将扭曲片管分段加入裂解炉管中,在控制压降的同时增加裂解炉管的传热系数,这样就降低裂解炉管壁温度,从而